The 'busy' trap.
The challenge of modern-day life is we often feel like we're being pushed and pulled in all different directions and we never slow down! This can leave us feeling depleted, anxious, overwhelmed and unfulfilled with a desire for something more.
We’re busier and more connected to the external world than ever before. Carrying phones within arm’s reach 24/7 that constantly pinging with notifications. Mindlessly scrolling through other people’s lives on social media and comparing their highly edited/ filtered feeds to our own lives. Which is never a fulfilling habbit!
And where your attention goes your energy flows.
Take a moment to think about it…where is YOUR energy flowing??
Is it constantly flowing to areas of your life that are not fulfilling, draining your energy and impacting your physical and emotional wellbeing?
Filling the void.
Far too often we are focused on looking for fulfillment outside of ourselves. We fill our lives with material stuff and choose unsupportive behaviours such as poor food choices, drugs, alcohol or toxic relationships in order to feel fulfillment on a deeper level and create more meaningful connections.
These behavious and habbits give over our personal power to external things in order to "make us happy". But they won't. They will take us further away from what we desire.
What we really need is to slow down and create some stillness so we can start to shift our focus inwards. When we look within we discover the fulfillment we crave is through our own awakening and connection to our true self. But how can we do this through all the stress and noise of our busy lives?
The stress, the noise and the unsupportive behavious and habbits act as distraction to the fact that what we truely desire is a better connection to ourselves, not to things external to us.
Somewhere along the way, we’ve forgotten about the importance of turning (and tuning) inwards. We've put "being busy" and things external to us on a pedestal. Unfortunately, we undervalue the importance of stillness. Learning how to clear the mental clutter, disconnect to the external noise and reconnect with our own inner peace, guidance and intuition.
Slow down and embrace stillness.
A stillness practice is important because it helps us to move from “hustle” (feeling like a hampster on a wheel) to “alignment” (the ability to tap into your intuition, inner wisdom and universal guidance). It also give you the chance to reset, restore and realign your energetic body. To literally recharge your energy which will support your physical and emtional health.
Note: I've deliberately said "stillness" instead of meditation as meditation might not be your thing. Mediation would be my top recommnedation, however there are lots of ways to slow down and disconnect to the outside world.
Take a moment to reflect on your current lifestyle and daily habits. Are you giving yourself the opportunity to disconnect external distractions and find your inner sanctuary and restore balance within?
It could be…
• Switching the phone to airplane mode at a certain time each evening
• Waking 45mins earlier to meditate
• Taking a walk in nature (not listening to anything on your headphones, just tuning into your senses and being in the moment)
• Lie on the grass and watching the clouds go by
• Sitting in the sun and tuning into your five senses - what do you notice?
• Turning the TV off and doing a guided meditation before bed
• Taking a yin yoga class
• Practicing mindful breathe work
• Making time for a massage or energy healing treatment
With an increase in mental health problems and stress-related illnesses, encorperating a stillness practice into your day will have positive and life-changing effects.
When we take the time to reconnect with our selves over time:
• We are less reactive
• Calmer
• Feel more balanced
• Our bodies heal better
• We sleep better
• Our relationships improve
• Our immune response is strengthened
• Our fight and flight response is less triggered
Stillness also allows for more space for personal and spiritual growth – to connect with your own inner guidance, intuition, creativity and to welcome in new ideas, get clear on personal goals and your purpose.
Who's ready to commit to making the time to slow down and creating more stillness in their life?