A 1hour distant energy healing for yourself, a loved one or a pet.
Distant energy session is just as powerful as an in-person session. As we are all energy and all connected, it makes no difference to your proximity to the energy practitioner as long as there is clear and focused intension by the practitioner.
Each session is tailored to meet the individual physical, emotional and spiritual needs of my clients.
I will have you complete a form before your session so I have an understanding of your needs and where you would most like support.
If the energy healing is for a loved one, permission must be given by either the person receive the healing or if that is not possible (due to age or illness), permission should be grated by their next of kin/ or caregiver.
Distance energy healing can help with:
- Releasing trapped emotions
- Cord-cutting
- Clearing blocked energy
- Chakra realignment
- Grounding
- Feelings of stress and overwhelm
- Supporting physical healing
- Improve sleep quality
If you have any questions about distance healing sessions please contact me via my contact page or