Building your ability to recover from stress, anxiety
and emotional fatigue.
About HeartMath
For more than 25 years, HeartMath Institute has been researching the heart-brain connection and learning how the heart influences our perceptions, emotions, intuition and health.
"HeartMath tools and strategies help you tap into the power and intelligence of your heart – your heart’s intuition – which awakens you to the best version of yourself." – Doc Childre, HeartMath Founder
Through learning the simple HeartMath techniques, you can achieve a coherent state between the heart, mind and emotions. Building coherence between your heart and brain creates inner harmony and a flow-on effect that brings the other systems of the body into balance and alignment, supporting mind body, and soul wellness.
This coherent state helps to build your emotional resilience and your energy reserves.
By achieving heart-brain coherence you are able to improve:
- Cognitive function - clarity and focus
- Emotional health - supports the central nervous system
- Self-regulation capacity - managing your emotions
- Psychosocial wellbeing - ability to connect and communicate effectively with other
- Energy capacity - reduced emotional and physical fatigue
Physical and Emotional Support
The HeartMath techniques have shown to be supportive for those with the following conditions:
Emotional Health
- Depressions
- Anxiety
- Anger/ aggression
- Grief/loss
Physical Health
- Hypertensions
- Cardiovascular Disease
- Chronic Pain
- Autoimmune disorders
- Cancer
- Insomnia
Sessions and bookings
Refer to my intuitive energy healing page for details on how I incorporate HeartMath techniques into my intuitive energy healing consultations.