Pellowah Energy Healing
Radical Shift In Consciousness
What is Pellowah
Pellowah is a word from ancient Angelic script meaning "radical shift in consciousness". Pellowah is a very high vibrational frequency energy that can help clients create significant shifts in their perception, mindset, consciousness and overall outlook.
With Pellowah, the healing of old traumas and release of emotional baggage occurs as a byproduct of the client achieving a higher state of consciousness. When the client achieves such a paradigm shift in their thinking, old frameworks, stories and trauma can no longer exist as the client is seeing the life with a renewed outlook.
As the client's own vibrational frequency increases from the Pellowah healing, they rise above their old issues and blocks that have previously held them back in a lower vibrational frequency. This new perspective helps the client to increase their clarity, become more objective and increase their inner calm and peace.
Benefits of Pellowah
Pellowah energy works on a deep energetic level. It can help to facilitate the following:
- Expands one's state of mind and consciousness
- Creates clarity of mind especially for those at a crossroads
- Helps to clear and remove mental/ emotional/ spiritual blocks
- Assists in repair tears in the energetic/ auric fields
- Clears stagnant energy within the main chakras
- Balances the meridians/chakras
- Mental clarity and peace increases with every Pellowah session
What to expect in a Pellowah Session
Pellowah is a non-contact treatment, done in a quiet room with the client lying on a massage table. The client will generally have a lightweight blanket and the use of an eye pillow to reduce sensitivity to light. The session will last between 45 min to one hour.
Following a session, it is highly recommended the client stay well hydrated with water or herbal tea to help facilitate the healing.
As the Pellowah energy is very light and expansive, the client will be given some grounding techniques to use following the healing to help support their energy.
Many other energy healings will have a positive effect that will last for several days, whereas Pellowah energy will increase over time following a healing. Further expansion of consciousness will occur with every Pellowah healing.
Sessions and Bookings
- Refer to my intuitive energy healing page for details on how I incorporate pellowah into my intuitive energy healing consultations.